Saturday, 28 November 2020

Parsha: Vayishlach, "Yaakov and the Taryag"

In this parsha, Yaakov says something which seems very innocuous, "Im Lavan Garti." (Beraishit: 32:5)

Rashi's interpretation, "V'taryag Mitzvot Shamarti" raises at least one question: How can any one Jew perform all 613 mitzvot? For instance, how can a person be both a Kohen Gadol and a Levi? It's physically impossible!

The answer may lie in the unique nature of Yaakov Avinu, patriarch of all the tribes of Israel. Yaakov, progenitor of Am Yisroel, contained the DNA of every future Israelite. His unique potential encompassed every possible Mitzvah. 



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