The Shulchan Aruch in O"Ch 285 mentions using Rashi in lieu of, or perhaps in addition to, Targum Onkelos.
What is the origin of this practice?
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Guest Blogger
R Yaakov Jaffe
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This idea is cited in the Smag, who says "danti lifnei rabosai" who agreed to his position (as cited in Beis Yoseif 285).
Interestingly, we know that Rabbi Yehudah Sir Leon was
the Rebbe of the Smag, and we also known that Rabbi Yehudah Sir Leon is
the author of Tosfos to Brachos - so the Smag must be understood in
light of Tosfos in Brachos (8a), where a non-aramaic translation may be
used. Tosfos there take the first step away from the Divinely-inspired
Targum Unkelos as the only option for "echad targum," allowing for
whichever translation works best for the reader, and so the natural
progression taken by his Talmid shortly thereafter is that Rashi's
translation and interpretation is no worse than a French translation.
Thus, perhaps it is appropriate to say "The Smag - working off of a statement of his Rebbe in Tosfos"
Kol Tuv,
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